1. 一般條款及細則
1.1 客戶必須遵守及符合CARRYON的各項條款及細則。
1.1 Customers are required to comply with all the terms and conditions specified by CARRYON.
1.2 如客戶提供之稿件含有任何淫穢 ˴ 辱罵、不合法、誹謗,或一切被國家法、版權保護法及偽造法所禁止複印的內容,本公司不會就有關內容負上任何責任/刑責,並保留拒絕提供噴製服務的權利。
1.2 If the artwork provided by customers contains any contents which are harassing, abusive, unlawful, libelous, or not complying with laws of relevant jurisdiction including laws in respect of copyright & forgery, our company reserves the rights to reject and shall not be liable or responsible for those contents involved.
1.3 客戶在透過門市、自助平台、熱線或Email落單,一經確認及生產後,恕不接受取消或更改。
1.3 We do not accept any alteration nor cancellation once the order has been confirmed.
1.4 在颱風及暴雨訊號生效期間,所有服務安排會有所延誤或暫停而不作另行通知。所有訂單之生產及交貨期,可能會順延至訊號取消後之下一個工作天。
1.4 When the typhoon signal or rainstorm warning is in force, delivery may be suspended or cancelled without prior notice. All lead time or delivery date of orders shall be postponed to the first working day after the warning signal is cancelled.
1.5 所有印刷品以本公司之色彩管理標準為準,請勿以螢幕或打印紙稿件作準。貴客來稿均以四色(CMYK)印刷,如來稿為專色或(RGB)色彩,稿件將會自動轉為四色(CMYK)而不另行通知,當中所引致之任何色差,當以本公司印刷顏色為基準。如有任何色差爭議時,本公司恕不負責。(專色專版印刷貨品除外)
1.5 Color Standard of all printed materials should refer to our standard in color management; Please do not refer to the standard on any monitor, screen or printed manuscript. Artwork MUST be in CMYK, Bitmap or Grayscale mode. All RGBs or Spot colors would be converted into CMYK for printing, should there be any variance induced, color standard of all printed materials should also refer to our standard in color management as well. The Company will not be responsible for any color shift dispute due to color conversion. (Excluded for spot color printing items in Full Sheet)
1.6 所有印刷品本身都存在某程度上之色差。在合理的色差情況下,客戶不應以此為理由要求任何重印、折扣或退款。本公司將一概不予受理。而本公司亦設有色彩管理,以維持色差在合理水平之內。
1.6 All printing of color does exist color variance to certain extent. Under reasonable color variance, customer should not use this as reason and ask for any reprints, discount or refund. CARRYON will not accept those requests. The Company has its own color management to ensure that all printing colors are within reasonable levels.
1.7 貴客於取貨時,敬請即場驗算貨品數量及品質,貨物出門後,如貴客反映質量不足,將不獲受理。
1.7 Customers are required to check carefully on the quantity and quality of goods received, return will not be accepted after customers’ acceptance of goods.
1.8 帳戶使用及安全 : 帳號及密碼是代表閣下的身分,閣下應妥善保管帳號及密碼,不得將帳號及密碼洩露給其他人或供他人使用。而閣下的帳號及密碼所進行的所有行為,均被視為閣下擁有該帳號及密碼的所作行為。且凡經由閣下帳號所產生的各項費用,閣下均有支付的責任。如閣下發現閣下的帳號及密碼遭盜用或其他不當的使用,閣下必須立即通知本公司,以便採取相關措施。但本公司所採取的措施並不解釋為本公司對閣下的損失有明示或暗示的擔保或賠償責任,對於閣下的帳號及密碼遭他人非法使用,本公司並不負任何賠償責任。每次使用完畢後,應確實登出並結束,以防止被他人盜用閣下的帳號及密碼。
1.8 Account Using and Security: The account name and password are on behalf of your identity, customer is required to keep the account and password properly with responsibility. Such account and password should not be disclosed to others nor to let other people to use. All acts conducted with your account and password are deemed to be the acts of the account holder. And account holder is obliged to pay the fees arising from the account. If customer find that the account and password are misappropriated or otherwise improperly used, he must notify the Company immediately to take further action. However, customer shall not interpret the measures taken by the Company as express or implied warranty or liability for the Company, and the Company shall not be liable for any illegal use of your account number and password. Customer should log out the account properly after used to prevent account name and passwords being theft by others.
1.9 本公司擁有任何是否打印或生產之最終決定權。
1.9 CARRYON withholds the rights to make final decision on producing or printing of any files or materials from customers.
1.10 如中、英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,應以中文版本為準。
1.10 If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
2. 收費條款
2.1 所有訂購服務,必須先繳付訂單全額後方進行處理,除非另有收費協議。
2.1 Customers are required to comply with all the charging terms and conditions specified by CARRYON.
2.2 本公司提供多種付款方式予客戶選擇,詳情請聯絡我們的客戶服務代表,或瀏覽本公司網站 www.carryon.hk。
2.2 CARRYON offers a wide choice of payment methods. For details, please contact our Customer Service Representative or refer to our website www.carryon.hk
2.3 報價單有效期為30日;而報價單只適用於向本公司要求報價之人士或公司戶口; 本公司擬在期間內有價格上之改動而不作另行通知。
2.3 All quotation is valid for 30 calendar days and applies strictly to the individual, party or company that raise such price quotation requests, but not any non-related third parties; CARRYON is not liable for any price adjustment during the period nor no advance alert given beforehand.
2.4 所有發票金額將被以四捨五入計算並以最接近之圓數收取。
2.4 All invoice amounts will be round up to the nearest HK dollar for payment.
2.5 報價單有效期為30日。
2.5 All quotation is valid for 30 calendar days.
2.6 運輸費並不包括排隊、排倉、進入貨物裝卸區、機埸空運、停車場、殯儀館或碼頭,搬運上落梯級等額外費用, 如運送貨品時出現上述情況,本公司均會另行報價,客人必須承担相關費用。
2.6 Delivery Fee does not include queuing, arranging warehouses, entering cargo loading and unloading areas, air transportation of aircrafts, funeral parlours or docks, carpark, moving up and down stairs and involving stair levels, etc. All customers are liable to any of the above mentioned additional fees which will be quoted and charged separately.
3. 稿件設計服務條款
3.1 本公司提供簡單的稿件設計服務,歡迎客戶提供所需圖片、文字、公司Logo等作整合用途。我們會安排專責同事與客戶聯絡,作進一步了解及報價,並會於生產前發送預覽圖予以確認。
3.1 CARRYON provide general artwork design service. Customers are welcomed to provide any graphics, texts or company logos to be applied. Our dedicated Customer Service Representative will follow up for further details and service quotation.
3.2 The design service quotation includes one design proposal and two rounds of minor amendments. Upon order confirmation and payment, CARRYON would prepare the artwork file and provide an artwork preview for final confirmation. If Customers wish to request another design proposal, another quotation will be required.
3.3 CARRYON不會提供任何涉及版權之圖片或字款等,除非設計費用已包括
3.3 CARRYON will not provide any image or type with copyrights, unless specified in the design service quotation.
3.4 無論客戶最終是否使用所提供的設計方案,設計費用將不獲退還。
3.4 All design fees are not refundable no matter Customers adopt our design proposal or not in the end.
3.5所有由CARRYON提供之設計稿件,其創作版權均為CARRYON所擁有。若客戶需要回購設計稿件原稿(.ai / .eps / .psd / .pdf / .jpg),請於落單時提出,並須另行報價。否則所有設計稿件會於貨品生產後被刪除。
3.5 CARRYON owns the copyrights for all design artwork provided. If Customers would like to buy-out the copyrights of artwork in AI / EPS / PSD / PDF / JPG file, please make relevant requests at the time of ordering and must be quoted separately. Otherwise, the artwork will be deleted after production.
4. 送貨/提貨服務條款
4.1 送貨服務只限於香港特別行政區範圍內。
4.1 Delivery services are available for areas in Hong Kong SAR only.
4.2 送貨服務收費將根據不同地區、送貨時段、貨品大小、貨品數量、搬運安排 (如:搬運樓梯、轉升降機等) 而釐定。
4.2 Delivery services are charged based on the area to deliver, delivery time period, size of goods, quantity of goods and transport arrangement (e.g. access through staircases, moving between lifts, etc.)
4.3 送貨服務時間為星期一至六 (公眾假期除外),上午九時正至晚上六時正,服務時間會因應不同地區而有所不同。指定時段或地區送貨將另外收費,請聯絡客戶服務代表。
4.3 Standard operating hours of delivery service are from Monday to Saturday (public holidays not included), from 9:00am to 6:00pm. Service availability may vary across different area zones. Additional charge with specify delivery time, period or areas, please contact our Customer Service Representative.
4.4 Delivery service charge will be counted on order basis. Each order will be delivered to one address only. Combined order will NOT be accepted.
4.5 運費不包括其他額外費用,如停車場費,入閘費,登記費等。
4.5 Any additional fees for parking, gates or registration will not be covered and are chargeable to the Customers.
4.6 若於已約定及落實之日期及時間送貨而無人收貨,客戶需自行聯絡本公司重新安排送貨,並須再次支付運費。
4.6 In case no one answers the door at the specific and confirmed delivery date and time, Customers will need to contact our Company for another delivery arrangement and be charged accordingly.
4.7 如客戶需要更改送貨內容及安排(如:數量地址日期或時間)需要送貨前一個工作天或之前提出,如能配合或有可能會引致額外運費及所帶來之延誤。客戶需要繳付訂單修改之行政費及差價。
4.7 Any requirements regarding change of order (ie. Qty, delivery address, schedule etc.) must inform us 1 working day in advance before dispatched and are subject to availability. For any amendment, customer will need to pay for amendment fee, yet if there is any price difference.
4.8 在颱風及暴雨信號生效期間,當日及翌日之送貨服務可能會延遲或取消,本公司會聯絡顧客另作送貨安排。
4.8 When the typhoon signal or rainstorm warning is in force, scheduled delivery of that day and the following day may be suspended or cancelled. Our Company will contact customers for re-scheduling of delivery service.
4.9 若客戶選擇自取貨品,請按發票上的提貨日期及時間,於營業時間內提貨,並請向店員提供發票副本、以便店員核對發票資料,避免出錯。
4.9 For Customers who choose to pick up on their own, please pick up in our office during office date and time specified on the invoice and present a copy of the invoice to our Staff for our verification.
4.10 若客戶選擇自取貨品,客戶須於發票上之 “送貨日期” 起14天內到指定的分店提貨。本公司不予保存逾期貨品,並保留處理其之權利而不需作任何通知及賠償。
4.10 For Customers who choose to pick up on their own, they should arrive at the specific branch within 14 days of the delivery date. After that period, our Company will not be responsible for keeping any products and shall reserve the rights of handling these products without any notice and compensation.
5. 退貨/退款服務條款
5.1 客戶取貨後請立即檢查貨品。如有任何疑問,請保留貨品及單據,並於取貨日期起7天內提出(包括取貨日),逾期恕不受理。
5.1 Customers shall inspect the product immediately upon delivery. Please keep the original product and receipt for any return/refund/maintenance services. Customers shall within 7 days from date of delivery (date of delivery inclusive) give notice to our Company of any matters related to the product. Late notice will not be accepted.
5.2 不同硬件(噴畫機)、物料、時間、天氣及濕度等均在噴製過程中,對噴畫質素及色彩有不同程度的影響,客戶不應該以電腦螢幕顯示之顏色,不同時段噴製的產品或非本公司噴製之產品/打稿作為比較,所有噴畫顏色以本公司噴畫機為準。
5.2 Color deviation is possible to occur on any products of digital printing. As with different factors in the printing process, e.g. the hardware (of printing machines), materials, time, weather, humidity and etc., which may affect the quality and color of digital printing to different extents. Customers shall not judge the color by previews on-screen, printed manuscript at different times, samples/color proofs from other companies. Color standard of all printed materials shall refer to our Company’s standard of color management.
5.3 客戶需要自行安排所有退貨之運送,本公司恕不予安排回收。
5.3 Customers are required to arrange all returns delivery.
5.4 CARRYON會按每一個退貨/退款之要求作調查及批核,並保留最終決定權提供重噴或退款(部份/全數)安排。
5.4 CARRYON have the right to request our customers send us photos or return the suspected defective products for our inspection and verification. All returned products must be in good conditions, or they will not be accepted.
5.5 本公司只接受重印或退回相關貨款,貴客任何的經濟損失,本公司恕不負責。
5.5 We will only reprint the order or refund the relevant amount. We are not liable for any other losses caused by using our services.
5.6 退款只會以支票形式支付,並以帳戶登記名稱為受款人 (故帳戶登記名稱必須與銀行戶口相符) 。
5.6 Refund will be made by cheque only and payable to the registered name that used in opening CARRYON account. (Bank account registered name will be necessary to correspondent with his/her CARRYON account registered name)
6. 安裝服務條款
6.1 正常安裝服務時間為上午九時正至晚上六時正,假期除外。若客戶要求在以下情況下安裝,須付額外附加費:
1. 非正常安裝服務時間 (晚上六時至早上九時)
2. 在指定時間安裝
3. 偏遠地區、搬運樓梯或轉升降機
4. 臨時(即日)更改安裝時間
5. 假日安裝
6.1 Standard operating hours of installation service are from 9:00am to 6:00pm (public holidays not included). If Customers request installation service under any of the following circumstances, a surcharge will be incurred:
a) When the requested time of service is NOT within our standard operating hours of installation service (i.e. from 6:00pm to 9:00am)
b) At a specific time period
c) When the installation venue is located at remote areas, or require access through staircases or moving between lifts
d) Sudden change of time arrangement (on the date of installation)
e) During public holidays
6.2 我司提供的現場度尺服務(收費服務),以避免或減低現場環境有可能發生之誤差。否則,我們只能根據客戶所提供之尺寸而作生產及準備,客戶須承擔一切因現場環境出現之誤差所帶來之延誤、後果或責任。
6.2 Customers should consider using our Company’s on-site measurement service (paid service) prior to commencing any installation/mounting work, in order to avoid or minimize any possible measurement errors at the on-site environment. Otherwise, our Company will proceed to production based on the dimensions provided by our Customers, and Customers are liable for any delays, consequences or responsibility resulting from any measurement errors at the on-site environment.
6.3 客戶須確保裱貼表面(例如:車身、牆身)清潔、安全及適合進行有關工程。否則,所有臨時現場服務(例如: 清潔、去除膠水漬),客戶須承擔額外所需費用及所帶來之延誤、後果或責任。
6.3 Customer has to ensure that the surface for mounting (e.g. car body, wall panels) are clean, safe and fit for conducting the work. Otherwise, all the ad hoc on-site service (i.e. cleaning, remove glue from previous sticker etc.), customers are liable for any additional charges, delays, consequences or responsibility resulted.
6.4 裝裱服務完成後,客戶須即場檢查裝裱效果,並在工程單上簽收確認。
6.4 Upon completion of mounting/installation work, Customer shall inspect the outcome immediately on site and sign offs the work note for confirmation.
6.5 所有裝裱服務保證期為七日,保證期由完工日開始計起,逾期恕不受理。但由意外、濫用、人為或自然災害等所引起的問題不包括在內。如客戶在未經授權下改裝、改動、變更、移除或破壞巳完成安裝物品,保用期服務將自動無效。
6.5 All mounting/installation works are eligible for a guarantee period of 7 days, which applies as soon as the installation work completed, yet any issues arising from accidents, abuse, intentional damages or natural disasters and etc., will not be applicable. In case of unauthorized reassemble, modification, alteration, removal or destruction of any work completed, the guarantee period will automatically be void.